Hello Darklings

As most of you are probably already aware, I am in Thailand.

Blogging came to an abrupt halt on here when I decided to try out World of Warcraft and it promptly consumed my life for a few weeks. Hopefully things will be back to normal when I get back to Australia in May.

dar·ling (dahr-ling) (english) – A person very dear to another; one dearly loved.
dahrk-ling (thai) – Monkey’s Arse.

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8 Comments on “Hello Darklings”

  1. Loki of Condor Says:

    Welcome back Sam. I went on a camping holiday over Easter down almost to Esperance and went past Harwood, near Lake Dumbleyung. I take it that’s your folks’ place? Were they there when Campbell took Bluebird to the Lake? If so, I bet they had a great view, just like a ringside seat.

    Anyway, as I said: welcome back.

  2. Yobbo Says:

    Harwood is a relative’s place. My folks’ place is about another 5kms down the road towards Dumbleyung on the right, bordering the lake.

    The original bluebird attempt was in 1964 so I’m not sure if either of my parents were there or not, they were most likely at school. We were all there for Gina Campbell’s attempt though.

  3. chidori ashi Says:

    Dont forget to deface an image of the king while youre there.

  4. Princess Josie Says:

    I hope Thailand is going well for you. I will assume you’re not in the part that has been progressively melting under torrential rain for the last four days and are, instead, not drowning but waving from beneath a sea of coctails and girls!

    Not that princess go for that kind of carry on!

  5. Fleeced Says:

    lol… so that’s what happened to this blog. I lost a lot of friends to that game – be careful.

    Have you seen the south park world of warcraft episode?

  6. steve edney Says:

    Ah yes. My blog stopped updating the same time I started playing. Strange that!

  7. The Devil Drink Says:

    Geez, man, be careful with that game, it’s nasty. I’m told that cheap spirits are a good substitution drug to ease you through withdrawals, though.

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